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Urban Sketching (Ages 15+)

ID : 12885   
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Students will learn techniques that will assist them in sketching the urban landscape. The instructor will guide the learners through exercises that will implement elements of linear perspective, composition, lighting, modeling, and a variety of other methods that will aid them to capture the scene. Class exercise mediums include colored pencils, graphite pencils and ink pens (water color set optional); students are welcome to use any of these or all three. No previous experience needed.
Required materials for the first meeting are 9x12 or larger mixed media sketch pad, 12” ruler, vinyl eraser, Hb or 2hb pencil. Additional materials discussed at first meeting. 

Class Details

5 Session(s)
Weekly - Sun

Administration Building

Israel Lopez 

Class Fee: 


Schedule Information

Date(s) Class Days Times Location Instructor(s)
3/16/2025 - 4/13/2025 Weekly - Sun 11:30 AM - 01:25 PM LACC, Administration Building  Map Israel Lopez