Create garments and patterns of many varieties through knitting! You will be introduced to needle and string types, stitching patterns, and how to cast-on, knit, purl stitch, and cast-off or finish-off. By the end of class have fun garment(s) made by you! All are welcome!
1 Skein of Yarn ( Yarn weight: Medium#4 or Bulky #5 )
1 Set Knitting Needles. Size: 5 mm ( US 8 ) OR 5.5 ( US 9 )
1 Yarn Sewing Needle
Small Scissors
*Paper and Pen to take notes
Note: All Materials can be found at Michaels, Joann and most arts & crafts stores. If you already have a different needle size and yarn weight at home, feel free to use them. As beginners, learning the technique and the basic steps are the most important things. Throughout the class, you will become more comfortable with your tools and your abilities and depending on how you advance I will begin recommending you to buy a specific kind of yarn weight, needle size and extra tools to start a new project.